During my time at Hero 4 Hire I was part of a team that created a series of 15 and 30 second animated spots for Eyelab. The overall creative for the project was to inspire customers to find glasses that spoke to the way they saw the world.
Client - Eyelab
Creative Direction - Matt Naboshek
Creative Direction - Jane Wu
Producer - Dana Isenberg
Designers and Animators - Betsy DelCiampo, Tyler Jordan, William Waller
Modeling, Animating, Rendering, and Comp of all product shots on blue background. Modeling, Animating, Rendering, Comp of “Pop” (Neon Dancers) world and “Inner Trailblazer” (Astronaut / Space) world. Final assembly and delivery of all spots throughout run of the project.
Cinema 4d, Redshift, After Effects, Magic Bullet